
My approach to pedagogy is one of innovation upon listening to and observing what my learners need. I believe in having the whitespace to test drive new approaches to pedagogy, yet also anchoring my experiments in established pedagogical research.

2021 Pedagogical Innovation

The slide deck on the right details my innovation in Differentiated Instruction, in which all students learn together, regardless of ability. It departs from a formalised and silo-ed theorectical approach, into a three step process that educators can use in the classroom. I shared my learning with colleagues in a professional development sharing session in December 2021.

2022 Pedagogical Innovation

For 2022, I am working on incorporating EdTech into the classroom, be it in terms of EdTech enabled-Lessons or standalone Blended Learning packages for English and Literature. Examples of my resources can be shared upon request. I welcome collaboration as well!

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